Own Your Dance Helps You Take Ownership of Your Time, Energy, To Create The Life Of Your Dreams.

Inside this book, you’ll find inspiration and tools to let go of what’s no longer serving you including:

  • Cultural expectations that are unrealistic and might be making you feel like a constant failure.

  • Societal or even gender expectations that have you living life on someone else's terms.

  • Self-limiting beliefs that keep you from making the necessary changes and taking worthwhile risks

What took me years and years, could take you months to accomplish with the help of this book.

Understand the importance of community so you can follow through on your commitments.

Gain the confidence you need so you can make decisions based on what feels best for you and your family.

Learn how to set healthy boundaries with loved ones so you can build long lasting relationships without compromising on your beliefs.

Feel inspired to push through your comfort zone so you can live a life you love.

But don’t just take my word for it.

Here’s what other people who are just like you are saying about this book.

"Brave, raw and compelling story of life's many challenges and how to face them clumsily, with grace and head on"

"Through the eyes of a Life Coach, you get a view into all of Telma's vulnerabilities that she has overcome to be truly amazing as she builds a community of love, trust, family, and growth"

"This book is a tell all of a very brave soul. She keeps it very real, interesting, funny at times along with vulnerable elements in her story. A definite must read!"


Imagine what life will be like after you start to take ownership of your time, energy and embrace your self for all that you already are today.

I can’t wait for you to dive into the lessons inside and begin to create your dream life!!

PS. DO SHARE your biggest takeaways from the book by leaving a review. It would mean the world to me if you shared your biggest takeaway here!

More Reviews

-Reads Like Fiction

«Telma's story is already a page turner, but her ability to make you feel like you are living it right along with her is magic. Each chapter is written like mini vingnettes that highlight how its the seemingly small moments, interactions, and comments that shape our perception, beliefs, values and in turn shape who we are. Each lesson is powerful without being pushy. Instead it is a beautiful invitation to question the beliefs you have internalized from these small but pivotal moments in your own life so you can own your dance.»

-A refreshing and relatable book for anyone

«When I first read the description, I was hesitant that I wouldn't be able to relate to it as a white woman since I don't have many cultural expectations in mind. I was happy to find that it didn't make me feel like I couldn't relate because she uses her culture to explain many of the pieces in the book. Her journey in life and adolescence is one that I think anyone could relate to and it's so nice to read a book focused more on the greater things in life rather than focusing and clinging on to trauma. "Own you dance" felt more like hearing a friend tell her story than reading a "self-help" book, and because of that it was even more inspiring- because it's real?»

-Such an Inspiration

«If there ever was someone that was born to be an author- it’s Telma. She is so brave, Authentic, and genuine. Honored to be reading her story. She has learned lessons that she is passing into us to inspire us and motivate us. This book is a beautiful gift that she has given the world. A must read.»

-Relevant and Relatable

«Telma's story is relatable in that we've all allowed outside influences to shape the course of our lives. She takes us through her young life, story by story, influence by influence and you get to experience her courage in unravelling what does not suit her and learning from what does. We can all use a dose of courage to look deep within and assess what stays and what goes.»

-Funny, raw and very encouraging

«Telma has shared her life lessons in a compelling autobiography, highlighting the ups and downs of life. She has chosen to share from a lense of self reflection and focused on growth. The funny moments and the sad are easily recognized as milestones in the path of one's own growth. She holds the reader and herself in a loving light that feels gentle and kind. One can't help but feel uplifted and challenged to stand up for ourselves and become more of what we're were created to be.»

-A self awareness that leads to the clarity and confidence

«I enjoyed this greatly. Im always fascinated with the psychology of what makes us who we are. Telma was gracious enough to share some very intimate and sometimes vulnerable moments in her life that help develop the person she is today. Its a refreshing story of self awareness. A self awareness that has lead to the clarity and confidence where you can live your dreams instead of playing it safe. I look forward to the next chapter…»

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