CUSTOMER testimonials

Real People + Real Results


“the sessions felt safe to share experiences about our past which was really healing.”

I loved hearing other women’s stories and it helped me realize that we are more similar than different and that many of us struggle with the same issues. I feel like the sessions felt safe to share experiences about our past which was really healing. It helped me realize that many actions are based on past experience and how to reframe.

Frank Anderson

“My experience with Telma has been truly life-changing"

I know that might sound over the top but I have found so much freedom walking in my power & living in the moment. I know for a fact that anyone who worked with Telma would find all that they are looking for in their personal life & career!
She is helpful, able to point out blind spots & genuinely with Telma. I have leveled up in so many ways & walk in my power daily! She can guide you to do the same!” - All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions